Collection: Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) | Coffee Technician Certificate Programs (CTechP)
Dependable, fully functioning equipment is critical at every step of the specialty coffee supply chain. The Coffee Technicians Program (CTechP) is designed for those who wish
to develop their abilities to install, maintain, and repair espresso machines, batch brewers, grinders, and water treatment systems.在精品咖啡供應鏈的每個環節上,可靠且完全運作良好的設備至關重要。咖啡技術人員課程(CTechP)旨在培養學員的能力,使其能夠安裝、維護和修復咖啡機、批量沖煮器、磨豆機和水處理系統。該課程共分為六個部分:基礎課程包括電氣、液壓和水與預防性維護,還有兩個中級課程和一個專業課程。