Collection: Specialty Coffee Association | Certificate Programs

SCA Certificate Programs | SCA 認證計畫
SCA offers certificates in the following education programs: the Coffee Skills Program, the Sustainability Skills Program and the Coffee Technicians Program. These programs are built on decades of knowledge, research, and real-world experience designed to help learners create a successful career in the coffee industry. SCA staff work collaboratively with subject matter experts to develop and maintain the course materials and exams of these programs.

SCA 提供下列教育項目的證書:咖啡技能、永續技能和咖啡技師。這些課程是依據幾十年的知識、研究和與時代並進的經驗而設計的,旨在幫助學習者在咖啡產業創造一個成功的生涯。SCA 與各類主題的專家們合作,共同開發和維護這些計畫的課程材料和考試內容。

The Coffee Skills Program (CSP) | 咖啡技能計畫

The Coffee Skills Program consists of five full modules and one stand-alone, introductory course. The modules are Barista Skills, Brewing, Green
Coffee, Roasting and Sensory Skills. Each module consists of three progressive courses titled Foundation, Intermediate and Professional. 此咖啡技能計畫包含了五個完整的課程單元和一個獨立的入門課程。這五個課程單元為:咖啡師技能、咖啡沖煮、咖啡生豆、咖啡烘焙和感官技能,每個課程單元由基礎、中階和專業等三個等級所構成,學習者可依據個人需求選擇適合的單元和課程等級。

The Coffee Technicians Program (CTechP) | 咖啡技術人員課程

Dependable, fully functioning equipment is critical at every step of the specialty coffee supply chain. The Coffee Technicians Program (CTechP) is designed for those who wish
to develop their abilities to install, maintain, and repair espresso machines, batch brewers, grinders, and water treatment systems.在精品咖啡供應鏈的每個環節上,可靠且完全運作良好的設備至關重要。咖啡技術人員課程(CTechP)旨在培養學員的能力,使其能夠安裝、維護和修復咖啡機、批量沖煮器、磨豆機和水處理系統。該課程共分為六個部分:基礎課程包括電氣、液壓和水與預防性維護,還有兩個中級課程和一個專業課程。

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The Coffee Sustainability Program (CSusP) | 咖啡永續課程

Designed to explore what sustainability means and the challenges of acting sustainably across the
coffee value chain. Sustainability must be embraced by all actors in the value chain if the specialty coffee industry is to survive and thrive. Coffee Sustainability can be studied at three different levels within the SCA Coffee Sustainability Program. 咖啡可持續性計畫旨在探索可持續性的含義以及在咖啡價值鏈中實踐可持續性所面臨的挑戰。如果精品咖啡行業希望生存和繁榮,可持續性必須被價值鏈中的所有角色所接受和實踐。咖啡可持續性計畫提供三個不同層次的學習:初級、中級和高級。透過這個計畫,您可以深入了解咖啡可持續性相關的議題和最佳實踐。

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